Maria dell’Isola in Tropea, Italy
A Tropea, di singolare bellezza per la sua posizione, su di uno scoglio di arenaria che fino a qualche secolo fa era circondato dal mare, sorge il Santuario di Santa Maria dell’Isola divenuto ormai il simbolo inconfondibile della “Perla del Tirreno” e del turismo in Calabria.
Che sia pellegrino o turista, credente o meno, qui chiunque può sperimentare momenti di una certa elevazione dello spirito favoriti dalla presenza di Maria Santissima e dai favolosi scorci naturalistici che i diversi panorami garantiscono.
In Tropea, with a singular beauty due to its position, on a rock of sandstone that until some centuries ago was sorrounded by the sea, rises the Sanctuary of st. Mary of the island, become nowadays the symbol of "Perla del Tirreno" and of the tourism in Calabria.
Pilgrim or tourist, believer or not, here anyone can experience moments of a elevation of the spirit beacuse of the presence of Maria Santissima and by the amazing naturalistic views.
In Tropea, with a singular beauty due to its position, on a rock of sandstone that until some centuries ago was sorrounded by the sea, rises the Sanctuary of st. Mary of the island, become nowadays the symbol of "Perla del Tirreno" and of the tourism in Calabria.
Pilgrim or tourist, believer or not, here anyone can experience moments of a elevation of the spirit beacuse of the presence of Maria Santissima and by the amazing naturalistic views.
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